UMY Welcomes New Collaboration with Dong-A University

22 November 2019, oleh: superadmin
Pic 1. Discussion for further collaboration with Prof Jae Dae Shik, Dong-A University

Through perceiving the objective as a reputable university, UMY continues to grow its collaboration among university partners all over the globe. It demonstrates by the presence of many universities that warmly welcome the cooperation of the international-based program with UMY.

On November 22, 2019, UMY welcome a representative from Dong-A University, Busan, South Korea, Professor Je Dae Shik, in the Vice-Rector’s Meeting room. In this discussion, Professor Jae as the representative will help some departments from UMY to establish a credit transfer scheme for students who are ready to pursue their studies at Dong-A University for 1-2 semesters.

This meeting was attended by Yordan Gunawan (Director of Office of International Affairs), Jazaul Ikhsan (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering), Rizal Yaya (Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business), Titin Purwaningsih (Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Science), and Bambang Jatmika (Directur of Vocational Studies).

The meeting continued for presentation and video profile by each campus. Prof. Jae emphasized if students and lecturers were drawn to pursue their studies with English as an ordinary language to South Korea, the English proficiency is a must-have: 530 IELTS: 5.5. If the students can get TOPIK 3 (The Test of Proficiency in Korean) to implement for the scholarship, it would be preferable.

“To studying in Korea, I propose that the students take one year for studying the Korean language and their focus, and for the rest, they can work part-time to get the earnings,” Prof Jae said.

All deans agree to send the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to Dong-A University to collaborate with the transfer credit system for the student exchange program. They remain willing to participate in this partnership for the upcoming meeting with Dong-A University’s Vice-Rector and Professor Jae Dae Shik that will be coming back to UMY on December 12, 2019 (Lia)