Strengthening  Cooperation, the French Embassy Visited UMY

16 February 2024, oleh: superadmin

  The French Embassy together with IF Indonesia-Yogyakarta, visited UMY On February 6, 2024. During this visitation, the French embassy was represented by Antoine Bricout as Atache for University Cooperation, and Francois Dabin, the Director, represented the Institute Francais Indonesia (IFI) Yogyakarta. This meeting, also attended by Warung France UMY and LPKA UMY, was a form to promote the latest programs related to study opportunities in France through the scheme by the Indonesian and French governments.

   During this visit, the UMY was informed that the Indonesian government opened a new program in collaboration with the French government through the LPDP Program, namely Beasiswa Prioritas LPDP – Campus France Program Master 2024. This French LPDP program focused on helping Indonesian students study abroad.

   Apart from promoting these programs, France and UMY committed to strengthening the cooperation with UMY by sending French language teachers to UMY through Warung France and the possibility for future collaboration with the Faculty of Language Education UMY.