Communication Study Program Of UMY Welcomed Visiting Scholar Researcher From Leiden University of Netherlands

7 September 2018, oleh: superadmin


Friday, 7th September 2018

University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) as one leading university in Indonesia keeps enhancing internationalization in accordance to its mission as a leading university in Asia. One of the efforts is providing the Visiting Scholar Program for outstanding active researcher from around the world to conduct their research in UMY.

on Thursday (6/9), Communication Study Program of UMY  held a welcoming party to accept and welcome Dr.Bart Barendregt, from Leiden University to conduct his Visiting Scholar program. Took place at Communication Science Laboratory Room, the welcoming party started with a welcoming speech by Dr.Yeni Resilawati, SIP, M.M as the Person In charge (PIC) of the agenda. Then later a speech came from Eko Priyo Purnomo, M.Si., M.Res., Ph.D as the Executive Director of Cooperation and International Affairs.  The welcoming speech was then also conducted by the Dean of Social and Politic Faculty, Dr.Titin Purwaningsih, S.IP., M.Si and Head of the Communication Program, Haryadi Arief Nur Rasyid, S.IP, M.Sc

Dr.Bart barendregt, as the researcher on this visiting scholar program also had a chance to conduct his speech towards the agenda. He expressed his pleasure to join the Visiting Scholar in Communication Study Program of UMY.

The agenda later proceed to closing remarks, marked with lunch and took photos together.