Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Sends Out 38 Exchange Students to 7 Countries Worldwide!

10 July 2024, oleh: superadmin

On July 6, 2024, the Office of Cooperation and International Affairs held a “Pre-Departure of the Student Exchange in the Fall Semester 2024/2025” agenda. The event unfolded at the Hotel Alana Malioboro, attended by 38 students from seven academic disciplines for a comprehensive preparatory seminar. The gathering was marked by the presence of notable speakers, including Nurwanto, S.Ag., M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., a renowned lecturer of Islamic Education at UMY; Ustadz Talqis Nurdianto, Lc., MA., Ph.D., from LPPI UMY; Mohammad Hazyar Arumbinang, S.H., LL.M., an Australia Awards Scholarship awardee and LL.M. student at Melbourne Law School; and Syahmilian Putri, an alumna of the Student Exchange program at Maejo University.

The seminar commenced with Mr. Nurwanto delivering enlightening sessions on “Understanding Motivation to Study Abroad” and “Adaptation Strategies for Academic and Cultural Integration.” This was followed by Ustadz Talqis’s thought-provoking presentation on “How to Be a Muslim Abroad,” addressing Muslim students’ challenges in foreign countries. Both speakers underscored the importance of proactive strategies, staying open-minded, and utilizing available resources to manage challenges like language barriers and homesickness, ensuring a fulfilling and successful study abroad journey.

Adding to the academic discourse, Mr. Mohammad Hazyar Arumbinang provided a detailed overview of the steps required for effective academic writing, emphasizing the critical processes of analysis, research, planning, writing, and revising. The event concluded with a compelling sharing session led by Syahmilian Putri, who shared her invaluable experiences living abroad, offering practical insights to the attendees.

Mr. Idham Badruzaman, S.IP., M.A., Ph.D., head of the International Relations Office, rounded out the seminar by stressing the importance of academic and physical preparedness. He highlighted past instances of students struggling with cultural shock and homesickness, underscoring the need for resilience. 

“Saya harap dengan mengikuti program Pre-Departure ini, teman-teman akan siap secara akademis dan fisik. (I hope that by participating in this Pre-Departure agenda, you will be well-prepared both academically and physically.)

Additionally, Mr. Idham emphasized the imperative of maintaining ethical standards and behavior, reminding students of their roles as ambassadors of UMY, regardless of gender.