UMY signed Memorandum of Understanding with ADPHI

8 September 2017, oleh: superadmin

Sept 8 2017, by Scha


Sept 8 – Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY) continues to improve the quality of its education by expanding cooperation with various institutions at home and abroad. On Thursday (7/9) held at the UMY Graduate Board Meeting Room, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP as the Rector of UMY has agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding and cooperation agreement with Assosiasi Dosen Perbandingan Hukum Indonesia (ADPHI). The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding is done directly by Prof. Dr. Ir. Dr. Topo Santoso, S.H., M.H. as chairman of ADPHI, while from UMY own party directly signed by Rector of UMY

Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto as Rector of UMY conveyed in his speech, that the cooperation is a good step between both parties, especially in the development of journal publication and the improvement of the quality of UMY lecturers. “I appreciate this form of cooperation because in the future I expect Faculty of Law lecturers can take advantage of this opportunity to discuss and exchange experiences both in education, research and scientific publications,” said Gunawan

In the first cooperation agreement and memorandum of understanding, both parties strive to develop a comparative curriculum of law, journal publications, and scientific (paper). For that both also agree on the next ADPHI conference will be held at UMY April 2018.