UMY Professor Elected as Chairman of the Indonesian Judicial Commission for the Period of 2021-2023

20 February 2021, oleh: superadmin

Prof. Dr. Mukti Fajar ND, SH., M.Hum, Professor of Law at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), has been elected as a Chairman of Judicial Commission of the Republic Indonesia for 2021 – 2023 by the voting results of the Judicial Commission members on Monday (18/1), after previously was appointed by the President to be the commissioner of Judicial Commission of Indonesia with the People’s Representative Council’s approval. Contacted on Thursday (21/1), Prof. Mukti conveyed his motivation to become a commissioner for the Judicial Commission 2021 – 2023 to participate in improving, fixing, and contributing to the legal justice system in Indonesia. Besides, Prof. Mukti emphasized that it is essential to see empirical facts of the problem from several phenomena in the justice system in Indonesia.

“This is the moral duty of an academician, apart from teaching theories in class or academic forums, he must also be involved in providing solutions to various problems of legal practice that are not yet ideal. “Regarding the mission in the next period to the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Mukti explained that the Chairman of the Judicial Commission’s task is to carry out the commitments of the 7 commissioners, both internal and external. The internal problem which is the target of the commissioners is to improve organizational governance through bureaucratic reform so that the Judicial Commission can optimally serve the people of justice seekers.

Meanwhile, in the external sector, it tries to forge synergy with the Supreme Court. “The collaboration is very much needed to carry out joint supervisory tasks, in which the Judicial Commission as an external supervisor and the Supreme Court as an internal supervisor for judges,” he explained. “However, cooperation with other institutions such
as Ministry and Legislative Body to discuss the legal issues is needed in order to generate ideas and enlightenment as a strategy for the Judicial Commission in carrying out its duties,” he added. Finally, Prof. Mukti advised legal practitioners and researchers to study law seriously and implement it properly. “Law in Indonesia will be good if legal practice runs in accordance with legal science,” he concluded.