UMY Held “Pre-Departure Student Exchange” To Prepare for Upcoming Student Exchange Program

9 September 2022, oleh: superadmin

Student exchange is one of the programs offered by UMY to foster a global campus. A program with a global scope requires careful planning and preparation. Before the program starts, students took part in the Pre-Departure Student Exchange to get prepared for their upcoming student exchange. Muhamad Rofiq Muzakkir, Ph.D., and Idham Badruzaman, Ph.D., present information about student exchange preparations on Thursday (8/9) at Amphitheater E7.

Going abroad, according to Muhamad Rofiq Muzakkir, Ph.D., an International Relations lecturer at UMY, means strengthening faith as not everyone has the opportunity to do so. He emphasized that participating in student exchange entails not only traveling and interacting with people from other cultures but also representing as an ambassador for Islam. Especially, those who will be participating in a student exchange in a country where Islam is a minority religion.

Furthermore, Idham Badruzaman, Ph.D. as the head of the International Affairs Office, highlighted the importance of participants being adaptable individuals wherever they are. He also stated that they will not only represent UMY students, but also the name of Indonesia as well as Yogyakarta, and he advised the students to always maintain a good attitude.

The event, which was held both online and offline, drew 39 students from various faculties at UMY. They will all take part in student exchange programs in countries such as Poland, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Malaysia.