UMY Held a Workshop and Seminar in Joint Degree Program (JDP)

17 November 2015, oleh: superadmin
Purwanto Subroto, PhD. (the head of Cooperation Subdirectorate, Dikti) was explaining about Joint Degree Program (JDP) and how to propose permits in building cooperation between Universities

October 24th, 2015, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is now making an initiation to hold Joint Degree (JDP) between Magister of Governmental Science UMY and Public Administration, Sun Moon University, Korea. In order to make a complete preparation in realizing JDP, the workshop and seminar was held in A.R. Fahrudin A, 5th floor, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and was attended by the head of every department from Bachelor degree, Magister degree to Doctoral Degree and the representative of Academic Bureau of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

In the workshop, the participants were informed the definition of Joint Degree Program, Dual Degree Program and Double Degree Program, and how to implement the program. One of the speakers in the workshop and seminar, Purwanto Subroto, PhD. was explaining about the way to propose permits in building cooperation between Universities.

Find out that Magister Program in UMY is still young (around 5 years), so the cooperation between Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and others Universities abroad is also will surely be able to escalate the excellence of the study program. Students are encouraged to have the international atmosphere around them. The Workshop and the seminar is expected to make all the stake holders ready to realize the Joint Degree Program with the universities overseas. (Vella)

The Speakers of the workshop and seminar in Joint Degree Program (JDP)
The Participants in workshop an seminar of Joint Degree Program (JDP)
One of the speakers explained about ASEAN Profile in the Workshop.