UMY and UKSW Unite: MoU Signed to Foster Inter-University Cooperation and Innovation

4 July 2024, oleh: superadmin

In a significant move to bolster educational and entrepreneurial collaboration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) today at the UKSW campus.

The MoU, aimed at fostering a deeper partnership between the two prominent private institutions, was signed by UMY Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P., IPM., ASEAN.Eng., and UKSW Rector Prof. Dr. Intiyas Utami, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., CMA., QIA., C.Fra. The ceremony was attended by senior faculty and administrative staff from both universities.

Prof. Dr. Intiyas Utami welcomed the collaboration with enthusiasm, emphasizing UKSW’s desire to emulate UMY’s agility in entrepreneurship. “We are looking forward to learning from UMY’s quick and agile approach to entrepreneurship,” she remarked. She also talked about the potential of the program for student mobility. “This agreement will enhance student mobility programs and create a more integrated academic experience for students from both institutions.”

Prof. Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto expressed his gratitude for the warm reception at UKSW and highlighted the importance of developing entrepreneurial strategies within private universities. “It’s crucial for private institutions to proactively explore financial prospects beyond traditional funding and tuition fees to ensure sustainability,” he said.

The MoU is expected to pave the way for a fruitful collaboration, enabling both universities to share knowledge and grow together. This partnership aims to enhance the quality of education and entrepreneurship, providing students with enriched academic opportunities.

Today’s agreement marks a promising beginning for UMY and UKSW, as they embark on a journey of mutual learning and development, reinforcing their commitment to excellence in education