International Youth Competition of Scientific, Scientific-Practical and Science Fiction Works “Horizon 2100” 2023

29 September 2023, oleh: superadmin

Center for Modeling The Future invites UMY students to join the International Youth Competition of Scientific, Scientific-Practical and Science Fiction Works “Horizon 2100” ‘23

Center For Modeling Future, officially Center for Modeling the Future in Education, Science, Economics and the socio-humanitarian sphere  is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that has been registered in Moscow, Russia since 2018. The publications and output of the Centre for Modelling Future encompass a substantial body of work, consisting of numerous publications that have been released since the year 2020.

The Center for Modeling the Future’s primary objectives include identifying, collaborating, and supporting individuals who are actively engaged and committed to advancing the educational, scientific, cultural, and socio-economic potential of Russia, other nations, and humanity as a whole. Additionally, the Centre aims to foster a positive perception of scientists who are dedicated to shaping a promising future, as well as to promote the involvement of influential figures in the economic, social, and cultural sectors and the intellectually inclined youth of our nation, in international forums that facilitate scientific, educational, business, humanitarian, and youth cooperation, as well as public diplomacy.

The primary objective of the International Youth Competition of Scientific, Scientific-Practical, and Science Fiction Works “Horizon 2100” ’23 is to inspire curious young individuals from various nations who lead dynamic lives to engage in a creative exploration of scientific, scientific-practical concepts, hypotheses, and science fiction ideas on the remote future. Additionally, the competition aims to recognize and highlight the most talented and proactive young individuals with a genuine passion for and aptitude for scientific creativity, analysis, and future forecasting.

Important Dates

  1. August 1, 2023 – October 31, 2023 : Registration Period
  2. November 1 to November 30, 2023 : The examination of works.
  3. January 31, 2023 : Competition announcement on the website and in the VKontakte group on


  1. UMY students and young people from any country, of all nationalities, ethnic groups and nations aged 16 to 30 are invited.
  2. Scientific, scientific and practical works prepared individually or in collaboration, but not more than 3 co-authors;
  3. Creative works prepared individually.


  1. For the best scientific work – an article, research, scientific and practical work – reflecting innovative and original ideas, scientific vision about the future of the planet and humanity at the turn of 2100,
  2. For the best Sci-Fi work – a story, an essay, a report – describing imaginary innovative and original ideas, fantastic events, phenomena and prospects for the future at the turn of 2100, giving them a scientific explanation,


  1. All winners of the competition will be invited to the International Youth Foresight Forum “Sustainable Development by 2100: Forecast, Vision, Scenarios and Plans” where diplomas will be awarded.
  2. A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY! All participants of the Horizon 2100 competition are invited to the World Youth Festival 2024. Register for the festival –

    When registering for the competition, be sure to apply for the festival: by specifying the status “Participant of the HORIZON 2100 competition of the Center for Modeling the Future”, you will receive additional points during the competitive selection and increase your chances of participation!

  3. The works of the winners in each profile direction (I, II, III places) will be presented on the Internet at:

  4. The main prize – the title of GRAND PRIX – is awarded to the best participant in each of the nominations.
  5. All participants will receive a PDF certificate or diploma online.
  6. Diplomas will be awarded to all winners – participants of the forum*

*Diplomas and certificates in paper form are not sent.

Registration Procedures

  1. Submit the application form to:

    no later than October 30, 2023

  2. The final decision is from the Center for Modeling The Future