International Students Unite to Celebrate Indonesia’s Independence Day at UMY

24 August 2023, oleh: superadmin

August 17, marked as Indonesia’s Independence Day, makes a date holds a very special meaning to every Indonesian. As the vibrant colors of red and white dominated the streets of Indonesia, The Office of Cooperation and International Affairs of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (OCIA UMY) also joined the joy of Independence Day by hosting a fun competition for all international students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).

The spirit of unity filled the air as international students celebrated Indonesia’s 78th Independence Day at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Various competitions were held from August 14 – 17, including traditional games such as sack race, flour relay, and tug of war.

Faris Al Fadhat, S.IP, M.A., Ph.D., delivered opening remarks and appreciated the committee organizing such an event. “I would like to thank the OCIA UMY team for hosting this event for the first time ever. So that the students will participate in the event and experience the vibrant atmosphere of Indonesia’s independence day.”

Faris also wished for all international UMY students to experience the series of exciting competitions from August 14 to August 17.

On the final day, both the closing ceremony and the awards session ran successfully. Idham Badruzaman, S.IP., M.A., and Ph.D., stated in his closing remarks that the purpose of this event is to spread joy. “I believe that each of you shares the same national pride to each of your country, and since today is our independence day, we would like to share our happiness with you all.”

Furthermore, as the closing remarks delivered and the trophies were already distributed, the event was officially ended well.