Broadening Cooperation to North America, UMY Received Visitation from the University of Ottawa, Canada

7 June 2024, oleh: superadmin

Salah Basalamah, an Associate Professor from the University of Ottawa, visited Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on May 14-15, 2024. The visit aimed to foster potential collaborations between UMY and the University of Ottawa, expanding UMY’s international cooperation opportunities in North America. During his visit, Basalamah engaged in two significant discussion sessions with UMY’s representatives.

The first session, held with UMY’s Faculty of Language Education, focused on the potential for lecturer exchanges through a Visiting Professors scheme. This initiative aims to enhance academic collaboration and share expertise between the two institutions. The second session involved discussions with UMY’s Postgraduate Program representatives, exploring opportunities for joint research projects and student exchange programs. This dialogue highlighted the mutual benefits of collaborative research and the potential for enriching students’ educational experiences from both universities.

Basalamah’s visit is seen as a strategic step in strengthening institutional relationships, broadening UMY’s reach, and establishing a more substantial presence in North America. Both institutions are optimistic about the prospects of this cooperation and the potential for future academic and research collaborations. UMY’s stakeholder expressed their enthusiasm for the opportunities that this partnership with the University of Ottawa could bring, anticipating a fruitful collaboration that will enhance the university’s international profile and provide valuable experiences for its students and faculty. This visit marks a promising beginning for UMY in its pursuit of global partnerships and its commitment to providing a world-class education to its students.