UMY Welcomed Student From Princeton University , United States of America.

9 October 2018, oleh: superadmin

As a well known young and global university,  Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY) keeps receiving inbound student from partners around the globe.  UMY again welcomed 8 students from Princeton University of United States of America on Monday (08/10).

These inbound student were coming based on one of the Princeton University programs, namely Bridge The Year program cooperating with Where There Be Dragons, an organization specializing in overseas experiential education, managed small-group service learning program in Asia, Latin America and Africa. They will conduct their learning and community service with Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) in Yogyakarta and once in a week will do a visit to UMY to do the language and cultural sharing.

This welcoming event were hosted by the International Program of Governmental Affairs and Administration (IGOV) UMY  in Study Hall A, Pasca Sarjana Building. This event were attended by the director of IGOV, Dr. Phil, Ridho Al-Hamdi, MA., and Dr. Titin Purwaningsih as the Dean of Politic and Science Department.

“We are very pleased to welcome all of you here” said Dr. Phil, Ridho Al-Hamdi, MA., as he opened the agenda. “We wished that you all doing great here, conducting all of the programs really well”, he added. After the greeting, the 8 students later did the campus tour, ended their visit in American Corner where they also blending with UMY students there.