Forging Academic Excellence: UMY and UMMA Sign Landmark Quality Assurance Agreement

21 June 2024, oleh: superadmin

In a landmark move to enhance higher education standards, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Universitas Muslim Maros (UMMA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) focused on quality assurance. The signing ceremony, held on June 19, 2024, in Ruang Sidang Komisi, AR Fachruddin A 5th Floor at UMY, marks an important milestone in the collaboration between these two prestigious institutions.

The initiative is led by Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Affairs of UMY, who highlighted the importance of quality assurance in the higher education system. “Quality assurance is the most essential thing in the higher education system,” Prof. Nurmandi stated emphatically. “We must set the highest standards for our institutions based on national and international benchmarks. This strategy will enhance our institution’s quality, enabling it to compete at the highest levels, both locally and internationally.”

UMY has long been recognized for its rigorous quality assurance mechanisms, allowing it to achieve and maintain high standards in national and international arenas. By sharing its expertise and practices, UMY aims to support UMMA in developing and implementing the best quality standards. 

Prof. Nurul Ilmi Idrus, M.Sc., Ph.D., Rector of Universitas Muslim Maros, expressed optimism and enthusiasm about the collaboration. “We came here with the hope that UMY will accompany us in developing the most suitable quality standards for Universitas Muslim Maros,” she said. “Why UMY? Firstly, we recognize that UMY and UMMA share a common foundation as Islamic universities. Secondly, UMY is considered one of the best at developing quality standards that compete both nationally and internationally in higher education.”

The MoU outlines several key areas of cooperation between UMY and UMMA. These include education and teaching, research, community service, and collaboration in other fields to enhance faculty competencies and administrative capabilities. Both universities will work closely to establish a comprehensive quality assurance framework that aligns with global best practices.

The partnership also highlights the importance of mutual learning and sharing of experiences. UMY’s proven track record in quality assurance will serve as a model for UMMA, which is keen to adopt and adapt these strategies to fit its unique context and needs. This collaborative effort is expected to bring about transformative improvements in UMMA’s educational framework, enabling it to achieve parity with top-tier institutions.

Additionally, the agreement is seen as a strategic move to foster a culture of continuous improvement and excellence in both universities. By setting high standards and striving to meet them, UMY and UMMA aim to enhance their reputations and attract more students and faculty, both locally and internationally.

This partnership is not just about raising academic standards; it’s also about building stronger institutional relationships and networks. By working together, UMY and UMMA can pool resources, share best practices, and support each other in navigating the challenges of the higher education landscape.

As both universities embark on this journey together, the agreement promises to set a new benchmark for quality assurance in higher education within Indonesia and beyond. The shared vision of UMY and UMMA to prioritize and continually enhance educational quality is set to pave the way for a brighter, more competitive future for both institutions.