Celebrating International Education Day, ISA UMY held a Public Lecture

31 January 2024, oleh: superadmin

The International Student Association of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (ISA UMY) was established as a forum for international students to enhance their leadership skills as well as engage in discussions. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) fully supports ISA UMY by providing their needs and attentively considering their aspirations.

On January 29, ISA UMY held a public lecture under the title “Education as a Pathway for Hope Supporting Children and Youth in Conflict Zones” in celebration of International Education Day 2024.

Kerkulah P. Nyeleker as the President of ISA UMY stated that through education, the international students will become the agents of change upon their return to their home countries.

For the main agenda, two keynote speakers delivered presentations and engaged in discussions on a topic that was in line with the main theme. The first speaker is Idham Badruzaman, Ph.D., the Head of the International Relations Office of UMY. He presented a presentation on the topic of “Research on Conflict and Its Resolution in Indonesia.” Following that, the second speaker, Sri Rezeki Murtiningsih, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., presented on the topic of “Culture and History of Indonesian Conflict and its Education.”

Around 30 participants were present and their enthusiasm was shown through an interesting discussion and a diverse range of questions raised by them. This event is expected to foster stronger connections among international students at UMY and also enhance their knowledge.