Staff Training at Universidad de Granada, Spain Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program

24 October 2023, oleh: superadmin


  1. Key dates
    Application period: October 23, 2023 – January 31, 2024
    Period of the program: September 2024 – July 31, 2025
  2. What is Erasmus ICM?
    International Credit Mobility (ICM) promotes the mobility of Higher Education Institution (HEI) students and employees from a Programme Country to a Partner Country or vice versa. In this instance, the University of Granada collaborates with UMY to provide opportunities for UMY staff to visit the University of Granada under the ICM Program’s Staff Mobility for Training schemes.
    This activity supports the professional development of teaching and non-teaching staff through training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner institution.
    Staff for training scholarships can be implemented by administrative or teaching staff in Departments or Units of UGR or by participating in any planned International Staff Training Weeks or the International Researcher Development Week. Concerning the first option, candidates should be in contact with their colleagues from UGR and agree on a work plan with them.
  3. Who is Eligible?
    Applicants must be Employed at UMY (Dosen Tetap atau Tendik)
    Have a minimum English proficiency level of B2 (IELTS 6.0/TOEFL iBT 78/Duolingo 100/TOEFL ITP 500/TOEFL LTC UMY 500)
  4. Duration of Program
    Five (5) working days plus 2 days for travel (7 days). The staff can stay longer but the grants stay the same.
  5. Possible Grants
    Daily Grant Amounts: 160 €/day
    Travel Grant by Distance: 1500€/participant
  6. Application Documents

*Those who are selected will be promptly notified to receive additional information about the application process. There is a chance that an interview may be scheduled.