Welcoming the New International Students, Induction Day 2023 was Successfully Held!

23 October 2023, oleh: superadmin

On Friday (20/10), Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) welcomed the new international students from all departments on the Induction Day 2023 at the Pascasarjana Building. Around 53 new international students joined from numerous countries and degree levels.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukamta, S.T., M.T. IPM, as the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, delivered the opening remarks to begin the Induction Day 2023 officially. In his remarks, Sukamta emphasized that the purpose of Induction Day 2023 was to provide comprehensive information about international students. “Today, we are conducting the Induction Day 2023 with the goals of introducing UMY and providing an opportunity for all of you to discuss your academic concerns with us.”

Sukamta also encouraged all international students to participate in the research collaboration and community development program that UMY offered. It is expected that all international students will be actively involved in various academic activities at UMY.

This year, three international student representatives, Mama Sereta, Abdul Hakim Ishaak, and Najmaldeen Khaled Ahmed Al-Faqeeh, presented a special performance featuring the reading of Indonesian poetry.

Immigration Division and Student Mobility Division’s presentation becomes the focal point of Induction 2023 as they provide an in-depth explanation regarding the necessities of international students. This year’s induction day also provided a sharing session with the International Students Association of UMY (ISA UMY). Bakary Touray, as the representative of ISA UMY shared his experience during his study in UMY alongside providing advice on how to survive in Yogyakarta as an international student, which will help the new international students be able to adapt better to their new environment.

Following the conclusion of the sharing session with the International Student Association of UMY, Induction 2023 came to an end. It is hoped that Induction 2023 provided the international students with the necessary information and fostered a strong sense of community among them.