Erasmus+ ASIASAFE UMY Team Attended Workshop in Portugal

22 May 2023, oleh: superadmin

From May 15 to 19, delegates from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta attended the 8th Consortium Workshop Erasmus+ CBHE ASIASAFE at the University of Porto (Universidade Do Porto), Portugal. Along with the delegations from 3 European universities and 6 Asian universities, Erasmus+ UMY which was represented by the Rector of UMY, Prof. Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP, IPM, ASEAN Eng., Project Manager Erasmus+ ASIASAFE UMY (Dr. Ir. Noor Mahmudah, ST, M.Eng., IPM, ASEAN Eng.), and Head of Master of Civil Engineering Department UMY (Ir. Nursetiawan, ST, MT, Ph.D), attended the workshop to discuss the progress and output of the Erasmus+ ASIASAFE Project led by Prof. Dr. Ghazwan Al-Haji from Linkoping University, Sweden.

Aside from that, two students (Zulfan Muhammad Ihza & Mashuda Abdul Karim) from the Master of Civil Engineering UMY specializing in Road Traffic Safety were awarded a scholarship by Erasmus+ CHBE ASIASAFE to attend a two-week summer program offered by the Engineering Faculty at the University of Porto, Portugal.