To Keep Improving Campus Quality, Cooperation and International Affairs of UMY Held Workshop on Internationalization Programs

3 December 2022, oleh: superadmin

On Wednesday (12/30), the Cooperation and International Affairs of UMY hosted a workshop regarding the internationalization programs such as visiting professors and sabbatical leave. Attended by numerous units and departments in UMY, the workshop aimed to raise awareness of the importance of internationalization in improving the university’s quality.

Fitri Arofiati, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., Ph.D., as the Head of the Cooperation and International Affairs of UMY encouraged lecturers in UMY to assure the success of internationalization programs. “We are all present here to remind each other of the visiting professor and sabbatical leave programs that have already been planned and the progress of each department could be delivered later.”

The workshop included a detailed explanation of the purposes of internationalization programs including visiting professors and sabbatical leave. In addition, a discussion was held to understand more about the needs of each unit or department. Following the conclusion of the discussion, each participant drafted a proposal for both the visiting professor and the sabbatical leave.

The participants expressed their interest by asking a variety of questions about the main topic, which is internationalization programs. Some of the participants in the drafting session had already made 50% progress on drafting the proposal.

However, the visiting professor programs and sabbatical leave will close their registration on December 30. Departments in UMY are expected to submit a proposal before the due date.