Induction Day 2022 Was Held Successfully to Welcome the New International Students of UMY

26 October 2022, oleh: superadmin

The Office of Cooperation and International Affairs at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) hosts Induction Day every year to welcome new international students. Since the previous Induction Day was conducted online, this year’s event took place successfully offline on Monday (24/10) in the AR Fachruddin B Building.

There were 29 international students from 11 different nations who participated, including those from Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Egypt, Gambia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sudan, Tanzania, Yemen, and Spain. On Induction Day 2022, numerous activities were carried out, including talks on immigration and student mobility, sharing sessions with older international students, and performances by foreign students.


The Vice Rector for Students Affairs, Alumni, and Al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan, Faris Al-Fadhat, Ph.D., said in his remarks that Induction Day 2022 could be a great opportunity for students to meet one another and learn more about UMY in general.


Faris also underlined the value of gaining experience while studying at UMY. “During your studies, you will gain knowledge as well as experience. You will have a memorable time away from home, blending in with the locals, and learning in a country with such a diverse language and culture.


The campus tour as the last activity of Induction Day 2022, concluded the whole series of Induction Day 2022’s activities.