UMY Reaffirms its Partnership with Ateneo de Davao University!

26 June 2022, oleh: superadmin

On June 2nd, UMY received visitatation from International Office of Ateneo de Davao University, the relationship between the two institutions has stretched for almost a decade.

UMY and Ateneo de Davao University has established a very effective cooperation and partnership built over the year, starting in 2014. Exchanges of staff and students, research collaborations and cordial international community services by both parties are some of the annual partnership activities between both parties.

“Looking at our fruitful collaboration in the past, we would like to reaffirm our collaboration with Ateneo de Davao University, aside of our continuous cordial relation and partnership, our collaboration is a positively refreshing international and interfaith collaboration.” Said Yordan Gunawan, Head of International Relations Office of UMY on future collaboration with Ateneo.

Yordan added, “in the future, we hope we continue our positive relationships that has been carefully built by both sides and collaborations of more comprehensive nature could be nurtured.”

Mrs. Ducusin, delegates from International Office of Ateneo de Davao University in the meeting that was conducted in AR. Fachruddin B building appreciated the gesture and the collaboration between both parties. In addition, Ducusin stated that the continuous partnership framework scheme in the future is under serious consideration.

“We look forward to the meaningful collaboration and partnership with UMY.” Ducusin stated on June 11th.