
Program Pertukaran ke Luar Negeri | Feb 2017

4 October 2016, oleh: superadmin

Program Pertukaran untuk keberangkatan Februari 2017 telah dibuka. Program yang tersedia adalah sebagai berikut: Universitat Jaume I, Spanyol SIAS International University (periode 1 semester) Persyaratan: Aplikasi Online, Klik di sini CV Fotokopi Transkrip Nilai Fotokopi kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Fotokopi KTM Pas Foto Surat Rekomendasi; contoh surat bisa dilihat di sini Tanggal-tanggal penting: 4-30 Oktober 2016: Pendaftaran 4 November

Exchange Students Results

20 May 2016, oleh: superadmin

International Relations Office (IRO) UMY is pleased to announce the final result of exchange Students program one semester to SIAS International University, Universitat Jaume, and AUAP LEadership Program. We would like to congratulate you, wishing all the very best in your way to China, Spain, and Malaysia.

Scholarship to Learn Spanish in Colombia

19 May 2016, oleh: superadmin

Grab the chance to learn Spanish in Colombia, the Colombian Government decided offer up to 60 scholarships to tourist guides and undergraduate and graduate students from South-East Asian countries, members of FEALAC, interested in learning Spanish as a foreign language. The course will have duration of one academic semester (approximately 4 months), and will be