
IPIEF UMY held a public lecture on Climate Change and Water Resource Management

12 January 2018, oleh: superadmin

In order to provide an understanding about the importance of water resource management to face climate change, International Program for Islamic Economics and Finance (IPIEF) UMY held a public lecture “Climate Change and Water Resource Management”. The public lecture was held on Thursday (11/1) in Sidang Direktur room, 1st floor of Post-Graduate Building. Dimas Bagus

Public lecture by Dr Hezri on Environmental Sustainability.

9 January 2018, oleh: superadmin

January 9 2017, By: Scha On  8th January 2018 UMY received a group of researchers from Malaysia to public discussion about mainstreaming sustainability  at Director Room Post Graduate Building UMY. There is Dr. Hezri Adnan as main speaker following with Dr. Dicky Sofjan,  and Dr. Aesa Sayaka . This fellows are researchers from various ASEAN

Korean students enjoyed cultural activities at Yogyakarta remote area.

9 January 2018, oleh: superadmin

January 9 2018, by Scha I-Kamp  outing program was held last Friday on 5th of January 2018.  This is about gathering  all I-Kamp participants at Desa Wisata Tambi, Bantul, Yogyakarta. This event was followed by 18  students  and 3 Liaison Officer of Indonesia-Korea Cultural Camp and 1 Staff from Institute of cooperation and International Affairs,