International Course on Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding

International Course on Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding

This state-of-the-art course explores a range of theory-formed and practice-oriented approaches to conflict and peacebuilding to eliminate, or at least alleviate, the potential of violent conflict. It focuses on conflict transformation which entails fostering dialogue, empathic relationships, and exploring nonviolent means of communication, engagement and interaction as well as addressing the underlying structural causes of violence, such as inequality, poverty, racism, discrimination, social injustice, marginalization, exclusion and oppression. Through the sharing of ideas, experiences, and practices by an interdisciplinary and international team of scholars, researchers, and practitioners, participants will enhance their knowledge and understanding on conflict transformation, dialogue, reconciliation and peacebuilding (through education, media, nonviolent communication, community engagement and policy intervention). The course’s innovation also lies in that it covers relatively new approaches, such as creative forms of dialogue, local and traditional forms of conflict transformation, peace psychology, and peace ecology.
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