UMY Visiting Fellow & Research Collaboration 2018/2019 Batch I (Deadline: 14 August 2018)

2 August 2018, oleh: superadmin

The Visiting Fellow for Postdoctoral in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) is intended for outstanding active researchers from around the world, to work on an important piece of research in the social sciences and humanities. The programme supports promising early-career researchers from diverse disciplines, who have demonstrated success in conducting high-quality research and are seeking to further develop and broaden their expertise. Interdisciplinary interests are encouraged. Up to $ 5000 will be covered for up to one-half months for maximum fellowship period may be spent conducting fieldwork in the Asian or Europe region.  For more details about this program, please check this page.

*Due Date of Registration: 14 August 2018

*All the required documents should be submitted completely than the due date