Learning by Doing, STIKes Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Visits Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

27 December 2018, oleh: superadmin
Room situation

STIKes Muhammadiyah Pringsewu and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) has succesfully held a meeting as part of STIKes Muhammadiyah Pringsewu’s agenda to do comparative study to UMY on Wednesday (26/12), in AR Fachruddin A Building, 5th floor.

Opened by the Rector of UMY, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P., this event involved structural officials, lecturers, and bureau staffs from STIKes Muhammadiyah Pringsewu. Continued by Dr. Suryo Pratolo, M.Si., Ak.,CA.,AAP-A’s presentation as Vice Rector of Financial and Asset Resources explained comparatively the UMY’s technology on the financial and asset management which have fully IT-based.


Photo Session

After the lunch break, the event is continued by university tour. The STIKes Muhammadiyah Pringsewu officials were visitting UMY’s offices including Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan (FKIK), Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi & Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M), Biro Sistem Informasi (BSI), Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa (PPB), and Perpustakaan.